
The <mi-time> element can be used to display seconds as days, hours and minutes.

Working example:

Example usage:

<!-- HTML -->

<mi-time seconds="10000"></mi-time>

seconds attribute

A seconds attribute is available on the <mi-time> element, which can be used to pass a value in seconds. When set a formatted string will be displayed in days, hours, and minutes. The minimum display value is 1 minute.

translations attribute

A translations attribute is available on the <mi-time> element, which can be used to pass an object with translation strings as stringified JSON. The default translation is English.

Translation object should have translations for the following properties:



Property Attribute Description Type Default
seconds seconds Time in seconds. number undefined
translations translations Object with translation strings as stringified JSON. Default translations {days: 'd', hours: 'h', minutes: 'min'}. string undefined