
The <mi-share-sms> element can be used for sending a pre-generated direction route link to a phone number. The element requires an instance of mapsindoors to be defined and the MapsIndoors SMS add-on enabled.

Working example (The send SMS functionality is not enabled):

Example usage:

<!-- HTML -->

// JavaScript

const miShareSmsElement = document.querySelector('mi-share-sms');
miShareSmsElement.addEventListener('successfullySent', event => {

miShareSmsElement.addEventListener('unsuccessfullySent', event => {

venue attribute

A venue attribute is available on the <mi-share-sms> element which should be used to set the venue id. The attribute is required.

origin attribute

An origin attribute is available on the <mi-share-sms> element which should be used to specify the origin location id. The attribute is required.

destination attribute

A destination attribute is available on the <mi-share-sms> element which should be used to specify the destination location id. The attribute is required.

countryCode attribute

A countryCode attribute is available on the <mi-share-sms> element which should be used to specify the default country code without the plus sign (+). The default value is "1".

inputPlaceholder attribute

An inputPlaceholder attribute is available on the <mi-share-sms> element which should be used to specify the placeholder text for the phone number input field. The default value is "Enter phone number".

submitButtonLabel attribute

A submitButtonLabel attribute is available on the <mi-share-sms> element which should be used to specify the label for the submit button. The default value is Send SMS.

successfullySent event

A successfullySent event is emitted from the <mi-share-sms> element whenever a SMS is successfully sent.

unsuccessfullySent event

A unsuccessfullySent event is emitted from the <mi-share-sms> element whenever a SMS is unsuccessfully sent. This event includes a detailed error message.


Property Attribute Description Type Default
countryCode country-code Default value for country code input field. string '1'
destinationLocationId destination MapsIndoors id for destination location. string undefined
originLocationId origin MapsIndoors id for origin location. string undefined
phoneNumberInputPlaceholder input-placeholder Placeholder text for phone number input field. string 'Enter phone number'
submitButtonLabel submit-button-label Label for submit button. string 'Send SMS'
venueId venue MapsIndoors venue id. string undefined


Event Description Type
successfullySent Emits a success event when the SMS is send. CustomEvent<any>
unsuccessfullySent Emits a error message when the SMS wasn't send. CustomEvent<string>