
The <mi-search> element can be used to search for locations in a MapsIndoors solution and/or Google Places. mapsindoors is required in the global scope.

Working example:

Example usage:

<!-- HTML -->

// JavaScript

const miSearch = document.querySelector('mi-search');
miSearch.addEventListener('results', (event) =>
    console.log('Search results', event.detail);

mapsindoors attribute

A mapsindoors attribute is available on the <mi-search> element. Set this to true if searching should include results for MapsIndoors locations. Default is false.

google attribute

A google attribute is available on the <mi-search> element. Set this to true if searching should include results from Google Places autocomplete service. Default is false. The Google Maps API is required with Google Places library enabled.

value attribute

A value attribute is available on the <mi-search> element, which can be used to a) Read the currently entered input field value, b) set the value of the search field (thus initializing search with that value).

disabled attribute

A disabled attribute is available on the <mi-search> element, which can be use to make the search field disabled.

idAttribute attribute

A idAttribute attribute is available on the <mi-search> element, which can be used to set a id attribute on the <mi-search> components input element.

dataAttributes attribute

A dataAttributes attribute is available on the <mi-search> element, which can be used to set a list of data attributes on the <mi-search> component's input element.

<!-- HTML -->

// JavaScript

const dataAttributes = { 'data-keyboard': 'alphabetic' };
const miSearch = document.querySelector('mi-search');
miSearch.dataAttributes = dataAttributes;

miFields attribute

A miFields attribute is available on the <mi-search> element, which can be used to specify what fields on MapsIndoors locations to search in. The attribute value must be a comma separated string of fields. Default (if not set) is name,description,aliases,categories,externalId.

<!-- HTML -->

<mi-search mapsindoors="true" mi-fields="aliases,externalId"></mi-search>

miTake attribute

A miTake attribute is available on the <mi-search> element, which can be used to specify how many MapsIndoors search results to receive.

<!-- HTML -->

<mi-search mapsindoors="true" mi-take="5"></mi-search>

miSkip attribute

A miSkip attribute is available on the <mi-search> element, which can be used to specify how many MapsIndoors search to skip ahead before receiving results. Combine with the miTake attribute for pagination.

<!-- HTML -->

<mi-search mapsindoors="true" mi-take="5" mi-skip="10"></mi-search>

miOrder attribute

A miOrder attribute is available on the <mi-search> element, which can be used to specify the order of the returned MapsIndoors locations search.

You can either sort by “relevance” or by specifying location property keys (like "name","building","floor" etc.). Direction can be enforced by adding "asc" or "desc" as a second search parameter eg. "building,asc"

Default value: name,desc

<!-- HTML -->

<mi-search mapsindoors="true" mi-order="building,asc"></mi-search>

miCategories attribute

A miCategories attribute is available on the <mi-search> element, which can be used to restrict MapsIndoors location searches to one or more Categories. The attribute value must be a comma separated list of Categories. Default (if not set) is not to restrict searches by any categories.

<!-- HTML -->

<mi-search mapsindoors="true" mi-categories="toilet,office"></mi-search>

miVenue attribute

A miVenue attribute is available on the <mi-search> element, which can be used to restrict MapsIndoors Location searches to a specific Venue. The attribute value can be given as either venue id or venue name.

The following is expected:

miNear attribute

A miNear attribute is available on the <mi-search> element, which can be used to instruct MapsIndoors location searching to prefer locations near a point.

The point can either be a latitude-longitude coordinate pair as a string, eg. "-12.3456,45.6789" or a string in the format "type:id" e.g. "venue:586ca9f1bc1f5702406442b6".

<!-- HTML -->

<mi-search mapsindoors="true" mi-near="-12.3456,45.6789"></mi-search>

gmCountryCode attribute

A gmCountryCode attribute is available on the <mi-search> element, which can be used to restrict Google Places searches to a specific country. Use a two-character, ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 compatible country code.

results event

A results event is emitted from the <mi-search> element whenever searching is complete. The event.detail property holds an array of locations. This may be empty if no results are found.

cleared event

A cleared event is emitted from the <mi-search> element whenever the input field value is emptied.

componentRendered event

A componentRendered event is emitted from the <mi-search> element after every component rendering.

shortInput event

A shortInput event is emitted from the <mi-search> element whenever the search field contains only one character.

clear method

A clear method can be called on the <mi-search> element to clear the input field.

// Javascript

const miSearch = document.querySelector("mi-search");

focusInput method

A focusInput method can be called on the <mi-search> element to apply focus to the input element.

setDisplayText method

A setDisplayText method can be called on the <mi-search> element to override the text in the input field.

triggerSearch method

A triggerSearch method can be called on the <mi-search> element to programatically trigger a search.


Property Attribute Description Type Default
dataAttributes -- Data attributes for the input field. { [key: string]: string; } {}
disabled disabled Make the search field disabled boolean false
gmCountryCode gm-country-code Restrict Google Places search to a specific country (two-character, ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 compatible country code) string undefined
google google If searching should include Google Places autocomplete suggestions. Remember to comply to Google's policy by showing a "Power By Google" badge somewhere on your page if not already showing a Google map: https://developers.google.com/places/web-service/policies boolean false
idAttribute id-attribute Id for the input field. string ''
language language The language used when retrieving Google Places or Mapbox autocomplete suggestions. string 'en'
mapbox mapbox If searching should include Mapbox autocomplete suggestions. boolean false
mapsindoors mapsindoors If searching should include MapsIndoors locations. boolean false
miCategories mi-categories Search only Mapsindoors locations within given categories. Accepts comma separated list of categories, eg. 'toilet,office' string undefined
miFields mi-fields Which fields on MapsIndoors locations to search in. Comma separated string. string 'name,description,aliases,categories,externalId'
miNear mi-near Search for MapsIndoors locations near a point. Can either be lat,lng coordinate as a string, eg. '-12.3456,45.6789' or a string in the format "type:id" e.g. "venue:586ca9f1bc1f5702406442b6" string undefined
miOrder mi-order Specify Mapsindoors search ordering string undefined
miSkip mi-skip Tell Mapsindoors to skip a number of results. Combine with miTake for pagination purposes. number undefined
miTake mi-take Restrict how many Mapsindoors results to request. number undefined
miVenue mi-venue Restrict search results to a speficic venue (id or name) string undefined
placeholder placeholder Placeholder for the input field. string ''
sessionToken session-token The Mapbox Session Token used for getting Mapbox autocomplete suggestions. string undefined
userPosition user-position The user position which can determine the proximity for the Mapbox places results. string undefined
value value Get or set the entered value string undefined


Event Description Type
changed Event emitted whenever the value of the input field has changed. CustomEvent<void>
cleared Event emitted when the search field is emptied. CustomEvent<void>
componentRendered Event emitted after every component rendering. CustomEvent<void>
results Event emitted when searching is complete. CustomEvent<object[]>
shortInput Event emitted whenever the search field contains only one character. CustomEvent<void>


clear() => Promise<void>

Clear the input field.


Type: Promise<void>

focusInput() => Promise<void>

Set focus on the input field. The preventScroll boolean is passed as true to prevent the browser from scrolling the document to bring the newly-focused element into view.


Type: Promise<void>

getInputField() => Promise<HTMLInputElement>

Get hold of the search input field.


Type: Promise<HTMLInputElement>

setDisplayText(displayText: string) => Promise<void>

Sets text to be shown in the search field. Setting it will not perform a search.


Type: Promise<void>

triggerSearch() => Promise<void>

Programmatically trigger the search.


Type: Promise<void>