
The <mi-route-instructions element can be used to show route instructions given a MapsIndoors directions result.

Working example:

Example usage:

<!-- HTML -->


Get a route from a MapsIndoors map element eg. <mi-map-mapbox> and set the result as property on the <mi-route-instructions> element:

// JavaScript

const mapElement = document.querySelector('mi-map-mapbox');
const routeInstructionsElement = document.querySelector('mi-route-instructions');

const origin = { lng: 9.909250, lat: 57.038939 };
const destination = { lat: 57.058230, lng: 9.951134, floor: 10 };
const travelMode = 'BICYCLING';

mapElement.showRoute({ origin, destination, travelMode }).then(() => {
    mapElement.getRoute().then(route => {
        routeInstructionsElement.route = route;

or get a route from the directionService within the MapsIndoors JavaScript SDK:

<!-- HTML -->

// JavaScript

// Remember to initialize a map and MapsIndoors API with your API keys.

const externalDirectionsProvider = new mapsindoors.directions.GoogleMapsProvider()
const directionsServiceInstance = new mapsindoors.services.DirectionsService(externalDirectionsProvider);
const routeInstructionsElement = document.querySelector('mi-route-instructions');

const origin = { lat: 38.8936951, lng: -77.0160064 }; // C St NW, Washington, DC (Google Location)
const destination = { lat: 38.8977566, lng: -77.0367785, floor: 20 }; // Family Dining Room (MapsIndoors Location)
const travelMode = 'TRANSIT';
const avoidStairs = true;

// Get route from MapsIndoors Directions Service
    origin: origin,
    destination: destination,
    travelMode: travelMode,
    avoidStairs: avoidStairs
}).then((route) => {
    // Set route object at mi-route-instructions element
    routeInstructionsElement.route = route;
    routeInstructionsElement.originName = 'My Origin Location';

// Populate destinationLocation property
const familyDiningRoomId = '4e5b58daaa6f48f687e2de0f';
mapsindoors.services.LocationsService.getLocation(familyDiningRoomId).then(location => {
    routeInstructionsElement.destinationLocation = location;

clicked event

A clicked event is emitted from within the <mi-route-instructions> element when the user clicks on a part of the route instructions. The event payload contains an object with information about the leg index, step index and manuever index that was clicked.


// JavaScript

routeInstructionsElement.addEventListener('clicked', event => console.log('Instructions clicked', event.detail)); // { legIndex: 1, stepIndex: 2, manueverIndex: 3 }

activeStep attribute

An activeStep attribute is available on the <mi-route-instructions> element which can be used to set and read the currently visually highlighting step. The active step gets updated internally but can be overwritten programmatically by using this attribute. The default values is { legIndex: 0, stepIndex: 0 }.

hideIndoorSubsteps attribute

A hideIndoorSubsteps attribute is available on the <mi-route-instructions> element. Set this to false if indoors substeps should be visible. Default is true.

translations attribute

A translations attribute is available on the <mi-route-instructions> element which can be used to pass a object of translations in preferred language. When set all labels will set using the translations. The property is optional but when setting it the whole object is required for the custom element to work properly. The default language is English.

Example usage:

<!-- HTML -->

// JavaScript

const translations = {
    walk: 'Gå',
    bike: 'Cykel',
    transit: 'Offentlig Transport',
    drive: 'Bil',
document.querySelector('mi-route-instructions').translations =  translations;

originLocation attribute

A originLocation attribute is available on the <mi-route-instructions> element which can be used to set the origin location for presentation purpose. The originLocation attribute wins over the originName attribute when both is set.

originName attribute

A originName attribute is available on the <mi-route-instructions> element which can be used to set the name of the origin location for presentation purpose. The origin name will not be rendered when the originLocation attribute is set.

destinationLocation attribute

A destinationLocation attribute is available on the <mi-route-instructions> element which can be used to set the end location for presentation purpose. The destinationLocation attribute wins over the destinationName attribute when both is set.

destinationName attribute

A destinationName attribute is available on the <mi-route-instructions> element which can be used to set the name of the end location for presentation purpose. The destination name will not be rendered when the destinationLocation attribute is set.

unit attribute

A unit attribute is available on the <mi-route-instructions> element which can be used to control how distances are presented. Possible values are metric (which will show distances in meters and km) and imperial (which will show distances in feet and miles). Default value is metric.


On modern browsers, parts of the component style can be overridden using the CSS pseudo element ::part.

The following parts are available for styling:

Styling example

/* CSS */

mi-route-instructions::part(instructions-destination) {
    color: #1a5130;


Property Attribute Description Type Default
activeStep -- Set active step to populate it with an "active" class. Defaults to legIndex 0 and stepIndex 0. { legIndex: number; stepIndex: number; } { legIndex: 0, stepIndex: 0 }
destinationLocation -- If the end location is a MapsIndoors location, provide it to have the instructions present it. The destinationLocation attribute wins over the destinationName attribute. Location undefined
destinationName destination-name If the end location is a external location, provide a name to have the instructions present it. The destination name will not be rendered when the destinationLocation attribute is set. string undefined
hideIndoorSubsteps hide-indoor-substeps If indoor substeps/maneuvers should be hidden. boolean false
originLocation -- If the origin location is a MapsIndoors location, provide it to have the instructions present it. The originLocation attribute wins over the originName attribute. Location undefined
originName origin-name If the origin location is a external location, provide a name to have the instructions present it. The origin name will not be rendered when the originLocation attribute is set. string undefined
route -- A MapsIndoors directions result object given from a getRoute call from DirectionsService. Route undefined
translations -- Translations object for translatable labels. DirectionsTranslations { walk: 'Walk', bike: 'Bike', transit: 'Transit', drive: 'Drive', leave: 'Leave', from: 'From', park: 'Park', at: 'at', building: 'Building', venue: 'Venue', takeStaircaseToLevel: 'Take staircase to level', takeLadderToLevel: 'Take the ladder to level', takeElevatorToLevel: 'Take elevator to level', takeEscalatorToLevel: 'Take escalator to level', takeWheelchairLiftToLevel: 'Take wheelchair lift to level', takeWheelchairRampToLevel: 'Take wheelchair ramp to level', exit: 'Exit', enter: 'Enter', stops: 'stops', andContinue: 'and continue', continueStraightAhead: 'Continue straight ahead', goLeft: 'Go left', goSharpLeft: 'Go sharp left', goSlightLeft: 'Go slight left', goRight: 'Go right', goSharpRight: 'Go sharp right', goSlightRight: 'Go slight right', turnAround: 'Turn around', days: 'd', hours: 'h', minutes: 'min' }
travelMode travel-mode Set preferred travel mode. Defaults to "walking". RouteTravelMode.Bicycling | RouteTravelMode.Driving | RouteTravelMode.Transit | RouteTravelMode.Walking RouteTravelMode.Walking
unit unit Set imperial or metric as default unit system. UnitSystem.Imperial | UnitSystem.Metric UnitSystem.Metric


Event Description Type
clicked Event emitted when clicking on instructions. CustomEvent<object>

Shadow Parts

Part Description