
The <mi-map-googlemaps> element can be used to display and interact with MapsIndoors and Google Maps.

Working example:

Example usage:

<!-- HTML -->

    style="width: 600px; height: 400px;"

<button onclick="previousStep()">Previous Step</button>
<button onclick="nextStep()">Next Step</button>
// JavaScript

const miMapElement = document.querySelector('mi-map-googlemaps');
let miDirectionsServiceInstance;
let miDirectionsRendererInstance;

miMapElement.addEventListener('mapsIndoorsReady', () => {
    miMapElement.getDirectionsServiceInstance().then((directionsServiceInstance) => miDirectionsServiceInstance = directionsServiceInstance);
    miMapElement.getDirectionsRendererInstance().then((directionsRendererInstance) => miDirectionsRendererInstance = directionsRendererInstance);

    miMapElement.getMapInstance().then((mapInstance) => {
        mapInstance.setCenter({ lat: 38.8974905, lng: -77.0362723 }); // The White House

    miMapElement.getMapsIndoorsInstance().then((mapsIndoorsInstance) => {
        mapsIndoorsInstance.addListener('click', (location) => setRoute(location));

function getAnchorCoordinates(location) {
    return location.geometry.type.toLowerCase() === 'point' ?
        { lat: location.geometry.coordinates[1], lng: location.geometry.coordinates[0] } :
        { lat: location.properties.anchor.coordinates[1], lng: location.properties.anchor.coordinates[0] };

function setRoute(destination) {
    const destCoordinates = getAnchorCoordinates(destination);
    const routeParams = {
        origin: { lat: 38.8956311, lng: -77.0395035, floor: 0 }, // Coordinate near The White House
        destination: { lat: destCoordinates.lat, lng: destCoordinates.lng, floor: destination.properties.floor },
        travelMode: 'WALKING',

        .then(directionsResult => miDirectionsRendererInstance.setRoute(directionsResult));

function nextStep() {

function previousStep() {

gmApiKey attribute

A gmApiKey attribute is available on the <mi-map-googlemaps> element, which should be used to set the Google Maps API-Key. The attribute is required.

miApiKey attribute

A miApiKey attribute is available on the <mi-map-googlemaps> element, which should be used to set the MapsIndoors API-Key. The attribute is required for the component to automatically insert and initialize the MapsIndoors JS SDK in the DOM.

gmOptions attribute

A gmOptions attribute is available on the <mi-map-googlemaps> element, which can be used to control the Google Maps options.

For most Solutions, the upper bound for the maxZoom value is 21, but for some it's 22. Get in touch to hear more about whether zoom level 22 works for your Solution.

See the MapOptions interface here: https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/reference/map#MapOptions

disableExternalLinks attribute

A disableExternalLinks attribute is available on the <mi-map-googlemaps> element, which can be set to true to prevent external links on the map from opening. This can be useful when running the map on a kiosk where you never want the browser to navigate away.

floorSelectorControlPosition attribute

A floorSelectorControlPosition attribute is available on the <mi-map-googlemaps> element, which can be used to control where and if the Floor Selector should be rendered.

See available values here: https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/controls#ControlPositioning

floorIndex attribute

A floorIndex attribute is available on the <mi-map-googlemaps> element, which can be used to set or get the current floor index.

myPositionControlPosition attribute

A myPositionControlPosition attribute is available on the <mi-map-googlemaps> element, which can be used to control where and if the Position Control should be rendered.

See the control positions support here: https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/controls#ControlPositioning

polygonHighlightOptions attribute

A polygonHighlightOptions attribute is available on the <mi-map-googlemaps> element, which can be used to control if and how locations should be highlighted. Set attribute to null to disable highlighting.

polylineOptions attribute

A polylineOptions attribute is available on the <mi-map-googlemaps> element, which can be used to style how the polyline looks when getting a route.

language attribute

A language attribute is available on the <mi-map-googlemaps> element, which can be used to set the component language. This attribute will not react to changes. Default is set to English (en).

mapsIndoorsReady event

A mapsIndoorsReady event is emitted from the <mi-map-googlemaps> element when MapsIndoors is ready.

getMapInstance method

A getMapInstance method is available on the <mi-map-googlemaps> element, which can be used to get the Google Maps instance.

getMapsIndoorsInstance method

A getMapsIndoorsInstance method is available on the <mi-map-googlemaps> element, which can be used to get the MapsIndoors instance.

getDirectionsServiceInstance method

A getDirectionsServiceInstance method is available on the <mi-map-googlemaps> element, which can be used to get the MapsIndoors DirectionsService Instance.

See the DirectionsService class here: https://app.mapsindoors.com/mapsindoors/js/sdk/latest/docs/mapsindoors.services.DirectionsService.html

getDirectionsRendererInstance method

A getDirectionsRendererInstance method is available on the <mi-map-googlemaps> element, which can be used to get the MapsIndoors DirectionsRenderer Instance.

See the DirectionsRenderer class here: https://app.mapsindoors.com/mapsindoors/js/sdk/latest/docs/mapsindoors.directions.DirectionsRenderer.html

highlightLocation method

A highlightLocation method is available on the <mi-map-googlemaps> element, which can be used to highlight a single MapsIndoors location. The method accepts a MapsIndoors location object. The highlight options can set at the polygonHighlightOptions attribute.

clearHighlightLocation method

A clearHighlightLocation method is available on the <mi-map-googlemaps> element, which can be used to dismiss a already existing MapsIndoors location highlight.


Property Attribute Description Type Default
disableExternalLinks disable-external-links Set to true to prevent external links on the map from opening. This can be useful when running the map on a kiosk where you never want the browser to navigate away. boolean false
floorIndex floor-index Set or get the current floor index shown on the map. string undefined
floorSelectorControlPosition floor-selector-control-position Render the floor selector as a Map Control at the given position. string undefined
gmApiKey gm-api-key The Google Maps API key. string ''
gmOptions -- Google Maps options. Defaults to zoom: 17, maxZoom: 21, center: { lat: 0, lng: 0 }, mapTypeControl: false, streetViewControl: false. https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/reference/map#MapOptions MapOptions { zoom: 17, maxZoom: 21, center: { lat: 0, lng: 0 }, mapTypeControl: false, streetViewControl: false }
language language Set the component language. Default set to English (en). Will not react to changes. string 'en'
miApiKey mi-api-key The MapsIndoors API key. string ''
myPositionControlPosition my-position-control-position Render the My Position Control as a Map Control at the given position. string undefined
polygonHighlightOptions -- Styling of polygon highlight when a location is clicked. Set it to null to turn off highlighting. { strokeColor: string; strokeOpacity: number; strokeWeight: number; fillColor: string; fillOpacity: number; } { strokeColor: '#EF6CCE', strokeOpacity: 1, strokeWeight: 2, fillColor: '#EF6CCE', fillOpacity: 0.2 }
polylineOptions -- Styling of how the polyline looks when getting a route. Color: The stroke color of direction polyline on the map. Accepts any legal HTML color value. Default: '#307ad9'. Opacity: The stroke opacity of directions polylines on the map. Numerical value between 0.0 and 1.0. Default: 1. Weight: The width of the direction polyline in pixels. Default: 4. { color: string; weight: number; opacity: number; } { color: '#3071d9', opacity: 1, weight: 4 }


Event Description Type
mapsIndoorsReady Ready event emitted when the MapsIndoors has been initialized and is ready. CustomEvent<any>


clearHighlightLocation() => Promise<void>

Clear existing MapsIndoors location highlight.


Type: Promise<void>

getDirectionsRendererInstance() => Promise<any>

Get the MapsIndoors Directions Renderer Instance.


Type: Promise<any>

getDirectionsServiceInstance() => Promise<any>

Get the MapsIndoors Directions Service Instance.


Type: Promise<any>

getMapInstance() => Promise<any>

Get the map instance.


Type: Promise<any>

getMapsIndoorsInstance() => Promise<any>

Get the MapsIndoors instance.


Type: Promise<any>

highlightLocation(location: Location) => Promise<void>

Highlight a MapsIndoors location. Only a single location can be highlighted at the time.


Type: Promise<void>