
The <mi-dropdown-item> element can be used to display a list items inside the <mi-dropdown> element.

Working example:

Lorem ipsum Dolor sit Amet Consectetur Adipisicing elit Labore vel

Example usage:

<!-- HTML -->
<mi-dropdown style="margin-bottom: 16px;" items-order="asc">
    <mi-dropdown-item selected value="Lorem ipsum" text="Lorem ipsum"></mi-dropdown-item>
    <mi-dropdown-item excludefromall value="Dolor sit" text="Dolor sit"></mi-dropdown-item>
    <mi-dropdown-item disabled value="Amet Consectetur" text="Amet Consectetur Amet Consectetur Amet Consectetur Amet"></mi-dropdown-item>
    <mi-dropdown-item value="Adipisicing elit" text="Adipisicing elit"></mi-dropdown-item>
    <mi-dropdown-item value="Labore vel" text="Labore vel"></mi-dropdown-item>

<!--With item icons-->
<mi-dropdown label="Lorem ipsum" filterable multiple items-order="asc" open>
    <mi-dropdown-item selected value="Lorem ipsum">Lorem ipsum<img src="https://fonts.gstatic.com/s/i/materialiconsoutlined/account_circle/v16/24px.svg" height="16" /></mi-dropdown-item>
    <mi-dropdown-item selected value="Dolor sit"><img src="https://fonts.gstatic.com/s/i/materialiconsoutlined/face/v15/24px.svg" height="16" />Dolor sit</mi-dropdown-item>
    <mi-dropdown-item value="Amet Consectetur"><img src="https://fonts.gstatic.com/s/i/materialiconsoutlined/settings/v18/24px.svg" height="16" />Amet Consectetur</mi-dropdown-item>
    <mi-dropdown-item value="Adipisicing elit"><img src="https://fonts.gstatic.com/s/i/materialiconsoutlined/pets/v12/24px.svg" height="16" />Adipisicing elit</mi-dropdown-item>
    <mi-dropdown-item value="Labore vel">Labore vel</mi-dropdown-item>

title attribute

Set the title attribute to add extra information about an item.

disabled attribute

A disabled attribute is available on the <mi-dropdown-item> element, which can be used to mark the element disabled.

excludefromall attribute

An excludefromall attribute is available on the <mi-dropdown-item> element, which can be used to exclude this element when the wrapping <mi-dropdown> element's selectAll function is used.

selected attribute

A selected attribute is available on the <mi-dropdown-item> element, which can be used to mark the element selected.

text attribute

A text attribute is available on the <mi-dropdown-item> element, which can be used to display the visible text content of the element.

value attribute

A value attribute is available on the <mi-dropdown-item> element, which can be used to specify the value of the element.


Property Attribute Description Type Default
disabled disabled boolean false
excludefromall excludefromall boolean false
selected selected boolean false
text text string undefined
value value string undefined